eAdjudication® Study Database Designer: real economies of scale

Create, configure and manage your endpoint adjudication studies's Databases by yourselves on your dedicated eAdjudication® platform.

Building on our extensive experience working with many different adjudication charters and our understanding of the recurring features, we have developed the study designer tool that allows you to create, configure and manage independently your endpoint adjudication studies.
Does your organization have recurring and simple adjudication charters specifications and sufficient IT skills allowing you to administer your platform? Study designer could be fit for you.

Why should you need external help for every new endpoint adjudication study when you have your own IT staff and all you need are “standard” study and forms 

With Study designer, you make the most of the capabilities available to you: Ethical’s expert team members are here to train your own IT-skilled staff. As a result, you are able to create and configure your endpoint adjudication studies and manage your platform independently, test it and train users in the UAT validation environment.

eAdjudication for Endpoint Adjudication: Scalable and Cost-efficient Solution

Create and configure a new study database from scratch by yourself

Start with the charter and other requirements and create your adjudication study in a few easy steps

Endpoint Adjudication Charter Analysis

Create libraries of studies and endpoint adjudication forms

Re-use your initial work by banking individual forms or even whole studies and creating your own libraries.

Endpoint Adjudication: Quality Data Management

Clone an existing study or parts of a study, download and edit them

If a new study similar to a previous one needs to be created, use the templates from your library to quickly set it up.

Endpoint Adjudication Process and Data Reporting

Edit templates and configurations: fields, variables, and workflows 

Templates and stored configurations can be easily edited to create variations that can also be archived

Adjudication Study User Requirements Specifications

Be the administrator of your eAdjudication software platform

If you have the necessary IT resources, no need to involve us for every new study. You are now in the driver seat

A four-step deployment process that will ensure the success of your clinical adjudication study.

We set-up your  eAjudication® platform environments

Ethical teams can quickly set-up a customer-specific platform, with the two validation and production environments, either in our fully managed cloud or in your private data center.
As many studies as needed can then be created in this same platform

We train your staff to create studies and editing templates

Our specialists will train your staff (IT and study  managers) on how to create, configure and test new studies whether from the beginning or from templates previously created

Your staff create and test a study in the UAT validation environment

When it is time to set-up a new study, your internal staff creates and tests it in the UAT validation environment. Once the project owners have cleared UAT, users can be trained and reviewers can be qualified

The new study is  then deployed in production
The adjudication starts 

Ethical will replicate exactly the set-up in the production environment and ensure its integrity. You are ready to go. Always stay in control and be sure to meet your timelines with eAdjudication® Study Designer

Book a call with our sales team and discover the eAdjudication® solution

Please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.

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Ethical integrates Smart Redaction Technology to eAdjudication Platform

Redaction technology improves the functionality of eAdjudication® by allowing to selectively hide information on source and administrative documents.

Ethical integrates Smart Redaction Technology to eAdjudication SoftwareREAD MORE

CEC Endpoint Adjudication: Missing data, reviewers queries and the site communication plan 

Connecting investigational sites to the Endpoint Adjudication Committee to facilitate the request of additional or missing data in a fast, simple, confidential and blinded way is the role of a well thought endpoint adjudication platform.

Endpoint Adjudication: Missing data, reviewers queries and the site communication planREAD MORE

Managing disagreement in Endpoint Adjudication

When experts disagree, it is not always easy to know who is right or even if anyone is right. In the academic world debate and disagreement feed the science and many times new ideas emerge from debate and break barriers that seemed solid up to that point.

Managing Disagreement in Endpoint AdjudicationREAD MORE