adjudication software indicator

By Ethical 28 Aug, 2023

What makes a good adjudication software? Five points to look for and a key indicator.

All software developers will tell you that their product is the best. How can you be sure before engaging into a collaboration with a software provider whether their software is your best choice? Once the contract is signed, it is very difficult to change your mind. Here are five points to verify before making up your mind. Look also at the bottom of the article for the indicator that is never wrong.

When you start a selection process to find the right clinical adjudication partner for  a new clinical study, you usually consider a number of points including the existance of a software platform to manage the adjudication process. Far from being trivial, today the software platform is the cornerstone of the adjudication process and so it better be good. But what makes a software a good one? Is it its speed, the number of features or the nice colors of the screen? We think that the most important feature of a good software is user friendliness. And we have identified five elements to watch when you make your choice. Some are more important to the study team and some to the external contributors but all will contribute to the success of your study.

1. Ease of connection. The "password nightmare" begun with the birth of software and has been growing ever since. Unless SSO (Single sign-on) is available through the company infrastructure, a single password for all roles and all studies is the best option. The adjudication committee members are sure to appreciate. 

2. Intuitive commands. Being able to pilot a complex tool may provide a sense of pride but simplicity and logic are what one needs the most in an otherwise already complex environment. Both internal users and committee members will favor the simpler and most intuitive interface over a complicated one.

3. Handling of different file formats. In an adjudication process, depending on the nature of the study, sites may need to provide not only simple reports in Word or pdf formats but also images, videos DICOM and other multimedia files. Make sure to choose a software platform capable of receiving and displaying these or you may find yourself struggling to perform the work.

4. Access control. During the course of a clinical trial, many different individuals with various roles will contribute to the adjudication process. Each role may have different access privileges and being able to manage and easily modify these as needed makes things easier while ensuring compliance. 

5. Scalability and Performance. A good software should be able to handle increasing workloads without sacrificing performance. Scalability ensures that the software remains responsive and efficient as user demands grow.

Beyond any feature that can be critically reviewed, there is one final place to look. One that is always right and is of great help: customer satisfaction. Look for feedback from users and sponsors. Feedback such as “the software is so simple and easy to use”, indicates that the software is finely designed. This is exactly what you are looking for: a software like eAdjudication® which has been specifically designed for the adjudication process it supports, a condition for intuitive navigation.

eAdjudication® offers such flexibility that the software configuration and support provision are tailored to exactly match your need.

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