Clinical Endpoint Committe Software

By Ethical 20 Nov, 2019

Clinical Endpoint Committee: Do I Need a Software Platform?

Whether to adopt another software tool for Clnical Endpoint Committee Management is a legitimate question of clinical leaders who frequently see added cost and fear added workload. 

How many apps do you have installed in your smartphone or tablet?
And how many of these are you using?

Software has invaded our lives in so many ways that it would take a book to describe. Software is light, smart, inventive and often comes for free. So why not use it? Still, there is a limited number of activities we can focus our attention on and many “nice” apps quickly fall into oblivion at the “bottom” of our ever-growing memory chips. 

When it comes to Clinical Endpoint Committees management, other factors add to the equation.
Acquisition cost, validation and maintenance cost, training cost, cost and risk of potential system failures.
Every time you add a tool, you solve a problem you are familiar with and risk to create new ones.

In the past, IT budgets have risen to dazzling heights raising eyebrows of company’s management. 

Today flexible solutions such as SaaS (software as a service like eAdjudication) allow to control Clinical Endpoint Committees cost while improving GxP Quality oversight.

Their use is simple. Configuration could often be personalized to match the Charter and your Company SOPs.
Additionally, these solutions are environment friendly as they optimize the use of server machines.

You may want to re-visit the question of adding new software in light of these new features when considering a software platform for clinical endpoint committees quality management.


The Complete Manual / Reference Book (34 pages) with all the topics related to the Independent Endpoint Adjudication Committees Management

Simplify Endpoint Adjudication with a Platform, Manage Adjudication Data with Compliance


Download Ethical eAdjudication for Endpoint Adjudication Dossier

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